Our Underwater Treadmills for Dogs

We utilize a pair of state-of-the-art underwater treadmills in our water therapy program. The underwater treadmills have the ability to vary water depths and walking speeds to tailor therapy specific to each patient. This allows us to modify the intensity of the sessions as the patient progresses through therapy. Our treadmills have jets that turn on and off as needed and they can be used as a swim tank for some patients. The underwater treadmills can accommodate patients of all sizes, and we have even treated a few cats!

Our Outdoor Pool

Weather permitting, your pet’s water therapy program may incorporate our outdoor pool. The 50’ x 30’ lazy river heated pool is ideal for conditioning agility and sporting pets, improving the mobility of our senior pets, or can be used to complement our water treadmills for the post-operative or neurologic patient. There is a slow moving current that provides resistance and we have an island for pets to rest if they tire. Your pet will be fitted with a life vest and will be monitored closely during each session.

At Up & Running Canine Rehabilitation, our CCRPs will recommend a water therapy program that is right for your pet. We are committed to improving your pet’s quality of life.